Carol Pignato

Carol's 2nd Year of AMS3 (2023-2024)


During my time as a student at Brooklyn College, attending hackathons and as a teacher, I have worked on several projects ranging from homework assignments to fun challenges to equity ethic-based platforms.

Projects are a great way to get more experience with any particular skill! This site, itself, is a project. You get a better learning experience when you have fun with it.

DNA Validity & Motif Checker

This program determines validity of a strand of DNA and finds the positions of a particular motif within the DNA. This program only accepts DNA written in capital letters. Written in C++.

Board Game Simulation

This game resembles a basic multiplayer board game such as "Candy Land." Written in C++

Phone Inventory Database

This program lets you read in a database of ten phones you are selling, prints the database of information in an orderly fashion, and prompts you to search for an item from a particular company that you would like to buy from. Written in C++.

Blue Bud

This chatbot was created during a hackathon for a JetBlue challenge. It's meant to assist and inform first time fliers using artificial intelligence (IBM Watson), HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap. Contributors: Shahzoda Davlatova, Diana Liu, Shannon Zhong, and Carol Pignato

Exploring COVID-19

A site dedicated to combatting misinformation about the pandemic, enabling people to have access to the resources to maintain good health practices.

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